Getting Started - Plate Layout

I use a large sheet of masonite as my drawing surface, which has been cut to fit my easel.  The layout of the plate and drawing are as pictured, side by side and held in place with drawing tape. ​

Most plates, especially the early ones, have guide lines drawn through the study.  Plate 1 for example, has one vertical and horizontal line drawn for each eye.  I started by reproducing these guides lightly on my drawing paper in approximately the same place as on the plate.  (They're more visible once you click on the image.)​

Once the plate was in place, I stood about 3 feet in front of my easel where I could get an undistorted view of both the plate and my drawing paper.  I put a piece of gaffers tape on the floor to mark where I was standing.  This is where I will take all my sight-size measurements.